The Story of TelethonThe Pictures in Motion Museum of Film and Television, which is run by veterans of our industry and has a remarkable collection of both television sand cinema equipment, that depicts the technology from the very origins to the present day, conduct regular inFocus Meetings.These inFocus Meetings are a great way for interested folk to socialise and reminisce about the glory days.Central to these gatherings are presentations which deal with the history, culture and even science of both television and cinema.Our next inFocus Meeting, starts at 7 pm on Wednesday June 15th 2022, where the venue is the East Victoria Park RSL Hall.The evening is FREE with drinks and refreshments provided.How great it would be if we can attract folk who were a part of Telethon since its very origins, up to the present day.The first half will be presented before the tea break and deals with events that led to the forming of this great charitable institution, then follows it through the era when the appeal was presented out of Seven’s historic studios in Tuart Hill, later called Dianella.After the break, Part 2 deals with the Riverside Theatre and Crown Theatre eras… with a special emphasis on the people who made it all happen.Steve Quartly has kindly provided a series of informative photos, with supporting video, to demonstrate the behind the scenes happenings at Telethon.We see production supervisor Paul Giglia and Sabrina Hemingway (DA) at the helm! Others include: Laki Baker (Executive Producer), Cam Wedemeyer (Line Producer), Paul Huxham (Audio), Simon Hubbard (EVS operator), Blake Waldock on the steadicam and many other key people.Tributes are also paid to those we have lost over the years.Please put this event in your calendar and we hope to see you there on the night.