PICTURES IN MOTION at Sunset, featured in Chronicle, an award winning Presentation Short Documentary Film.
PICTURES IN MOTION at Sunset, Featured in Chronicle, an award winning Presentation Short Documentary Film. In the last two months of 2017 the Sunset AMMPT working Bee team was approached

AMMPT Updates And News
Events & News Former Managing Director of TVW Enterprises, Kevin Campbell, has kindly gifted two artworks to the Australian Museum of Motion Picture and Television, Western Australia. The first is a

Capitol Radio; Capital Events
This interview was first broadcast on Thursday April 2nd, 2015, on the Capital Radio 101.7 FM show called Capital Events presented by Dale James and Tony Howes. More about

Down The 8-Track
AMMPT Meeting Wed 15-10-2014 DOWN THE 8-TRACK History aspects by Richard Rennie. Technology aspects by Tony Smith Richard Rennie once again demonstrated rare items from his vast range of audio-visual collectables….this

50th Anniversary of Television in Western Australia: including a Message from Rolf Harris
50th Anniversary of Television in Western Australia: 2006 In 2006, it was the 50th anniversary of television in Australia. The Australian Museum of Motion Picture Technology (AMMPT) commemorated this occasion

The Projectionists
AMMPT Western Region Inc. ‘inFocus’ Monthly Presentations During AMMPT’s March 2013 presentation titled “The Projectionists”, Roy Mudge, George Robinson and Bill Gaynor reminisced about their journey in the entertainment business.

AMMPT(Western Region)Sundowner of TV and Cinema Veterans November 20th 2013
This was prepared for the November 20th, 2013, AMMPT(WR) Sundowner for members targeted at television and cinema veterans. Presentations were given by noted people within the performing arts industries. There

The Golden Years of TVW Video Presentation for AMMPT
A friendly gathering of television veterans and cinema folk was kindly hosted by the Australian Museum of Motion Picture and Television (AMMPT) on Wednesday 21st of August, 2013. A 51

Past AMMPT(PIM) local events
National Science Week 2017 Wireless Hill Museum Date: Sunday 20 August 2017 Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm There were a number of displays on show which tracked various technology over the

2011 Screen Awards
WA Screen Awards Special on WTV Channel 44 Diana Warnock and Damien Spiccia – Winner of the Bill Warnock Award See the glamour of the red carpet, the drama of

50th Anniversary Of Busselton Drive in Theatre
A special event was planned to commemorate the legacy of the southwest’s pioneering traveling picture show man Allan Jones and of 50 years of continuous operation of

Appeal to all TVW7
Re unionists Sunday 18th October 2009 certainly proved to be an event to be remembered, not only for the re-kindling of friendships with old ( I use the word “old”

Kookaburra Outdoor Cinema; Meet Me in St. Louis.
Pictures In Motion The Film and Television Museum is holding a film screening of Meet Me In St. Louis. The movie relates the story of the Smith family in St.

Richard Ashton
The sad passing of TVW veteran Richard Ashton by Ken McKay. Richard was a good mate of many who had a passion for television history and many other subjects including

PIM’s TV News Exhibition at Wireless Hill
Television News Exhibition: Analogue to Algorithm Opening Ceremony is at 3 pm on Sunday 21st January 2023 Step into the captivating world of broadcast news at the summer exhibition at

1959-1975 Channel Seven by John Quicke former Chief Engineer Channel 7 Perth Part Three- Channel Seven continued.
This is a photograph of a truck delivering our locomotive for the museum at Channel Seven. The Karringup Bowl outside broadcast , where we had the Mini Moke